Affton School District's Return to Learn Plan for the 2021-22 school year is now available. You can find the plan, answers to frequently asked questions, and more on our website.
- Affton School District plans to begin the 2021-22 school year with a full in-person learning schedule across the district. The first day of school is Monday, August 23, 2021.
- Face masks will be required for all staff, students, and visitors regardless of vaccination status while indoors and when riding the bus.
- Students and staff will NOT be required to wear face coverings when they are outside for recess, PE, or when learning in an outdoor space.
- NEW THIS SCHOOL YEAR: When masks are required, students who are identified as close contacts in a school setting may be able to continue to attend school if all modified quarantine conditions are met.
- Fully vaccinated students and staff that are close contacts do not need to quarantine if they remain asymptomatic.
- Health and Safety will remain our top priority. All schools will continue to implement key mitigation strategies recommended by the CDC to support safe learning environments and reduce the spread of COVID-19, including having everyone wear a mask correctly, social distancing to the greatest extent possible, handwashing, cleaning and maintaining healthy environments, and contact tracing. While these strategies do not eliminate COVID-19 from our schools, they do lower the risk of transmission significantly.
- While the COVID-19 vaccine is not currently required, our state and local health authorities strongly recommend that families seek vaccination for anyone over the age of 12. Vaccination is the most effective and long-lasting tool for protection from COVID-19.
- This week, each school will provide bus transportation notices via email to families.
- Cougar Care will be available at Affton Early Childhood, Mesnier Primary, and Gotsch Intermediate both before and after school. Click here for more information.